Did you know that exercise can change your brain chemistry in a positive way? The research proves it and now we are offering an opportunity for you to look after your mental health as well as your physical health, all while we are raising some bucks during these tough economic times. You can even bring your dog to this one because we have partnered with Angel Paws (they need money too). We will share in the proceeds from your $15.00 pre-registration fee.
Mental Health America of Licking County promotes good mental health and wellness, so we also want you to eat right, sleep right, have good relationships, work on a positive attitude and be happy. We have free brochures on many mental health conditions, coping with stress, coping on the job, suicide prevention, stigma busting, teen issues, grief and more. Visit us at our office at the rear of Moundview Center , 65 Messimer Drive in Newark (off W. Main Street ). Go online at our website www.mhalc.org and click on W 4 W to register or call us at 522-1341and we will help you register.
Thank you so much and please know that we appreciate you.
Executive Director
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