(Although a little bird told me it’s supposed to snow next week)
One of the first facts that surprised me when I became the Suicide Prevention Coordinator was that the rate of suicide is highest during the months of spring—not winter like I had assumed. So although I am excited for spring because I enjoy the nice weather and the chance to work in my garden, I also think we must be vigilant of the attitudes and behaviors of those around us during the coming months, and keep an eye out for the signs of depression and/or suicide.
We have started up a Survivors After Suicide support group for people who have survived the loss of a loved one due to suicide. Attendance has fluctuated since the first meeting in January. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm at Mental Health America of Licking County in the conference room. We welcome friends of survivors to meetings as well. During the meeting, anything that is shared is strictly confidential, and people who attend are welcome to share their stories or experiences, or not say anything at all and just listen. If childcare is a concern, please contact me, Brittany Schumann, at 740-522-1341 and we will see if we can arrange something for you.
Also, we are still collecting photographs with dates, etc. for the Suicide Prevention Quilt until June 1, 2009. You can send the photograph to us by mail and it will be returned to you within two weeks (Attn: Brittany Schumann, 65 Messimer Drive, Newark, OH 43055), or you can send photographs by email to bschumann@mhalc.org. Please feel free to include dates and/or brief quotes/memories with your photograph and we will include them on the quilt! Our hope is that this quilt will provide hope for people with thoughts of suicide that their life is worth living because people do care about them, and the lives of those who have died by suicide will be commemorated.
If you have any questions about depression, suicide, the support group or the quilt, please feel free to contact me!
--Brittany Schumann
Suicide Prevention Coordinator
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