Monday, October 27, 2008

My Odyssey in Mental Illness

I spent the first five years recognizing the symptoms, then the next twenty years fighting the disease and getting on with my working life, my social life and, most of all, my faith.

I wanted to work because I didn’t want to be on social security for the rest of my life and not have anything to show for it, like a home, a car and other pleasures. To strengthen my self mentally, morally and mostly spiritually, I wanted to build my faith on the wisdom of the Bible and other literature.

Then I joined Schizophrenia Anonymous and realized that I had accomplished those goals. About five years ago I received the Mental Health America Consumers of the Year award from my mentors in the Agency; and now I’m setting new goals in work, school, and faith-based endeavors to help others overcome their afflictions.

--Sam Irvin

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