Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Do You Know What Mental Illness Feels Like?

We often hear the clinical terms used by doctors and other professionals to identify the symptoms of mental illnesses but if someone hasn’t gone through it, would they know how to recognize it? So often, clinical terms don’t do justice to what life with a mental illness feels like. 

We know that two people with the same diagnosis can experience the same symptom and describe it in very different ways. Understanding the signs of a mental illness and identifying how it can feel can be confusing—and sometimes can contribute to ongoing silence or hesitation to get help. It’s important for people to talk about how it feels to live with a mental illness. 

May is Mental Health Month and Mental Health America of Licking County (MHALC) is raising awareness of the importance of speaking up about mental health issues. We know that mental health issues are common and treatable, and help is available. But not everyone knows what to look for when they are going through those early stages, and many simply experience symptoms differently. We all need to speak up early — Before Stage 4 — and in real, relatable terms so that people do not feel isolated and alone. 

MHALC wants everyone to know that mental illnesses are real, that recovery is always the goal, and that the best prospects for recovery come when we act Before Stage 4 (B4Stage4). Addressing mental illnesses B4Stage4 means not burying feelings and refusing to talk about them, and not waiting for symptoms to clear up on their own. B4Stage4 means more than wishing that mental health problems aren’t real, and hoping that they will never get worse. B4Stage4 means more than thinking that someone on the edge of a crisis will always pull himself or herself back without our help, and praying that someone else will intervene before a crisis occurs.

B4Stage4 means, in part, talking about what mental illnesses feel like, and then acting on that information. It means giving voice to feelings and fears, and to hopes and dreams. It means empowering people as agents of their own recovery. And it means changing the trajectories of our own lives for the better, and helping those we love change theirs. 

So let’s talk about what life with a mental illness feels like, to voice what we are feeling, so others can know they are not alone. Through “Life with a Mental Illness” MHALC is asking individuals to share what life with a mental illness feels like by tagging social media posts with #mentalillnessfeelslike. Posting with our hashtag is a way to speak up, to share your point of view with people who may be struggling to explain what they are going through—and to help others figure out if they too are showing signs of a mental illness. “Life with a Mental Illness” is meant to help remove the shame and stigma of speaking out, so that more people can be comfortable coming out of the shadows and seeking the help they need.

Whether you are in Stage 1 and just experiencing and learning about early symptoms, or are dealing with what it means to be in Stage 4, sharing how it feels can be part of your recovery. You are not alone!

Penny Sitler
Executive Director, Mental Health America of Licking County

Monday, April 11, 2016

Don’t Let Stress Get You Down!

by MHALC Executive Director Penny Sitler

Stress is something we all have in our lives and it often gets a bad rap. We NEED stress – it’s what excites and motivates us. It’s when stress becomes overwhelming – or turns from eustress, the good variety, to distress that it can cause problems which can affect ability to work, participate in normal activities, and engage in satisfying relationships.

Stress can take a heavy toll on us, adversely affecting us physically, emotionally, and behaviorally. The effects of stress can actually be painful, causing headaches, back and neck pain, and stomach issues. We can become irritable or angry, to the point of lashing out at those we care about.
There are ways to manage stress so it doesn’t control us. Paying attention to key components of our overall wellness will help. We should eat healthy foods and get plenty of rest and exercise. Relaxing our emotions will go a long way toward reducing stress.

How do YOU relax? Many people run, work out, ride bikes or take long walks. I encourage you to take time each day to do something you love. My personal favorite relaxing activity is knitting. Not everyone is going to love to do the same thing, but everyone should have that thing that they love to do. Maybe you prefer weight lifting, reading, journaling, art or woodworking. Whatever your passion is, it should be relaxing. I consider knitting to be therapeutic and I get great joy from creating something beautiful out of luscious fibers while I slow down my constantly humming mind. It’s a repetitive motion which allows my mind to settle down and quit racing.

Research shows that there are stress-reducing benefits of knitting or any hobby that helps you relax. The Craft Yarn Council launched #StitchAwayStress on April 15, 2015 to coincide with National Stress Awareness Month and one of the most stress-inducing days of the year: Tax Day. Of 3100 plus crocheters and knitters who participated in consumer research, 85% reported that these crafts reduced stress; 68% said they improved their mood.

Carol Caparosa founded nonprofit Project Knitwell at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital after using knitting to calm herself there during her infant daughter’s heart surgeries.  She began volunteering to teach parents and older children to knit, ultimately expanding her work to the hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Subsequently, two Georgetown oncology nurses incorporated Project Knitwell into their thesis research. Compassion fatigue/burnout is common for oncology nursing staff. The students measured burnout before and 13 weeks after nurses learned to knit. All 39 participating nurses showed some degree of compassion fatigue prior to learning. Each nurse was taught to knit and kits were kept on the oncology floors, so nurses could knit anytime. The results were significant, with all scores improving, especially those whose burnout scores had been the highest.

There is plenty of other anecdotal evidence that rhythmic and repetitive motions like knitting elicit the relaxation response, a state in which heart rate and blood pressure fall, breathing slows and stress hormone levels drop. I hope that each of you has an activity that relaxes you, since there is no health without mental health and relieving stress will improve your health. It’s time for me to go knit a few rows!