Friday, September 14, 2012

A Note to Suicidal Teens

This is from the World of Psychology blog at and was posted in recognition of World Suicide Prevention Day which was September 10th. 

It is so often hard for adults to reconnect with the intensity of teen emotions.  We got through those years and are quick to put it behind us.  Regrettably, this can leave us vulnerable to discounting the experience of those who are caught up in the rough seas that are the passage into adulthood.

If you have a teen in your life, you should maybe print this off and keep it handy.

--Graham Campbell
Associate Director

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

National Wellness Week 2012, Sept. 17-23

You don't have to be an Olympic Athlete to enjoy National Wellness Week. This week is designed to help us be more aware of our whole health and to engage in activities that support our wellness goals.

Locally, activities at The Main Place Recovery Center will include a Movie day 11:00-1:00 on Tuesday the 18th, Wellness Olympics on 19th from 9:00-12:00 and 2:00-4:00 p.m., build your own Frozen Yogurt sundaes on Thursday at 1:30 and Friday WMR's Wellfest Ohio on the Statehouse lawn.

Monday - Wellness Overview - Engage in the Wellness Wheel. Get a group together over lunch and everyone works on their WMR Wellness Wheel. Share how the Wellness Wheel supports our wellness goals, what's changed since the last time I did my Wellness Wheel, and what new goals am I setting.
  • In Columbus, peers will meet in the Columbus Commons located in downtown Columbus along High St at 12:30pm.  Bring your lunch, a chair (or a blanket), and a friend. We will supply copies of the Wellness Wheel to share.
Tuesday - Physical Wellness - Get together for a walk, a hike, a class of Tai Chi, or anything that gets you moving. Did you know that hoola hooping for 10 minutes burns 100 calories. Engaging your physical wellness can be fun!
  • In Columbus, Peers from Central Ohio will meet at Scioto Mile at 10:30am and walk along the Scioto River and enjoy the scenery of Downtown. Wear comfortable walking shoes and bring your water bottle. For information about the Scioto Mile and directions, visit .
Wednesday - Intellectual Wellness - Get together for a good dialogue, call a neighbor and play a game of chess or checkers, work the crossword puzzle in the daily newspaper. Do something to activate your mind in creative and challenging ways.
  • In Columbus, join us for an interactive workshop on "Telling Your Story". We will gather at the Columbus Metropolitan Library, Livingston Branch, 3434 Livingston Ave., Columbus, OH 43227 in the conference room from 12:30-2:30pm. Leaders from the WMR Community will facilitate a WMR experience for people who want to share their stories of recovery and wellness. Everyone has a story to share, but sometimes we need help getting our thoughts and feelings into words, art, music, or dance. This will be a deliberative process where participants can explore creative ways to engage others in the stories of recovery and wellness.
Thursday - Spiritual Wellness - Spirituality is the cornerstone of wellness and   
 recovery. We can engage in our spiritual wellness in multiple ways. We can enjoy a poetry reading, engage in a guided imagery experience, explore nature, or engage in prayer and meditation.

  • In Columbus, WMR is planning an afternoon with a drum circle from 2:00-4:00pm at Southeast, Inc., 16 W. Long St., Columbus, OH 43215.
Friday - Social and Emotional Wellness - Plan to get together for coffee, ice cream or play a game of cards with family and friends. Any time we are in the company of others, we can experience social and emotional wellness. Be creative and let us know what you are planning for social and emotional wellness.
  • In Columbus, Wellness Management Recovery (WMR) will host the First WellFest on the State House Lawn (corner of Broad St. and High St. downtown) from 11:00-2:00pm. Exhibitors will be on hand to share information and resources for wellness. There will also be live entertainment and wellness demonstrations. At 12:45pm, MHALC compeer members and Main Place Recovery Center members will engage in a community wide line dance. Everyone is welcome!
Saturday - Financial and Occupational Wellness - Check with your local  extension office to learn about resources they may provide in the community. The Extension Office at The Ohio State University offers a number of financial resources including publications entitled "Keep Track of Spending" and "Manage Your Money".
Sunday - Environmental Wellness - Our health and well-being are directly tied to the health and well being of our environment. Today, we can work on cleaning out some old clutter, working in our yard, helping a neighbor with their yard, or taking a long walk at a local park. The Extension Office at The Ohio State University offers recorded webinars (online) on how to conserve energy. Enjoy one or more webinar by accessing their website at 

If you need more information or have questions, contact the WMR CCOE at or by phone at 614-225-0980 ext. 1316.