I don’t know about you, but to me, it seems like life is either going 100 miles per hour or dragging along at 2 miles per hour. Before I started school, I had so much free time that I didn’t know what to do with it all. I had time for hobbies. I went to a watercolor class. I read lots of books. I wrote. I took my dogs to the dog park. I walked along the bike path. I got bored.
In the span of three weeks, I have gone from having extra hours in my day to needing extra hours in my day. I have found myself working from the moment I wake up until long after I should have gone to bed. I love learning, but I forgot how much time and hard work it requires. I am finding time management skills I never thought I had.
As I write this, I am struck by the thought that no matter how much or how little we have on our plates, it’s important to take “mental health breaks” from our day. It’s important to not get overwhelmed by our busy days or allow our mind to go numb on slow days. My mental health breaks have kept me on track and allowed me to step away from my stress for a moment long enough to breathe a sigh of relief and examine what I have accomplished.
--Brittany Schumann,
Suicide Prevention