From: Jason mehringer
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 8:27 AM
To: Judith Allee
Subject: GA
It is hard to ascertain everything that the GA class did for me but I will give it a shot.
Working with this class first eliminated any bias I may have had constructed towards people in poverty. Working with them one on one demonstrated to me how driven and resourceful the working poor are and how willing and driven they are to elevate themselves, given the proper tools, out of poverty (so many times you hear in society that many are lazy, and working the system). Through my interaction I was also able to look at my problems through a different lens and was able to take their suggestions to help achieve the goals I have placed for myself.
The class really solidified to me that I am on the correct career path and that I truly do want to work within the field of social work and mental health. It helped me set goals of my own and work towards them. The class also gave me a real sense of accomplishment because I learned that I have useful knowledge to assist people in realizing their potential and that I can teach and be a useful member of our community.
Throughout this class I watched as many of the participants blossomed. So many of them started the classes in sweet pants and T-shirts and by the end were dressing up and putting on makeup. This to me demonstrated that many of them had found a new sense of optimism in their life. Many of them also started using a more formal register to speak to both myself and their classmates reinforcing the techniques they had been taught and would need in the world outside of class. Throughout the class I also witnessed many of the class members going above and beyond their assignments and seeking out new information that would be helpful for both themselves and their classmates. They openly supported one another and, if any prejudices were there to begin with, they consciously let them go, excepting each individual as their equal and partner in the fight to reach out of poverty.
I witnessed many of these individuals regain their passion for life and success. The class really seemed to invoke a new type of thinking. Switching from that I can't to I can attitude. The class really fostered positivity in all of us, both teachers and students. The GA class gave them back, I believe, their sense of power over their lives (internal Locus of Control). They already knew it would be a hard road, but through class I saw them realize that things are obtainable. The techniques the class and you taught us all about baby steps to goals are goals themselves, as well as the idea of writing things down, and that learning the language is ever on going and useful endeavor, I believe will continue to be a valuable asset to them the rest of their lives.
Through it all I witnessed a large change in their behaviors. No longer did they seem beaten but charged up for what ever life had to offer them, both good and bad. The same way I feel from participating in the class.
I hope this is what you are looking for Judith the class really did have a profound effect on me, as did you. I am forever grateful that I was able to be a part of the GA class and for the opportunity to work with such a driven and knowledgeable mentor.As a side note how is my letter or recommendation coming??? If you need anything further let me know, I am as ever at your service just as you were there for me. Talk to you soon.
"Life is either a Daring Adventure or Nothing"
Helen Keller