Friday, May 27, 2016

Respect it, Dream it, Do it!by Donna Gibson 

Please respect my fears as they may be different than your own.  Please respect my dreams and vision because they are the only ones I own.  Please respect the decisions I have made, even the ones that haven’t been so good.  I am only leading by the examples that have been previously set for me and understand some of these examples are hard to speak of and not so good.  Please respect that I am trying to make my way in this world and live the life I have been given to explore.  I may have been someone you have seen outside carrying a sign “will work for food” or someone you passed by and handed that dollar to.  I might need help learning and moving ahead.  I am slowly creating new visions, better examples and positive outcomes instead.  Please don’t do things for me.  I want to stand on my own.  Walking beside me means I am never truly alone.  

Donna Gibson is the Bridges Out of Poverty and Parent Support Program Coordinator at Mental Health America of Licking County   

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